Monday 27 May 2013

I'm going green today! For anyone who is familiar with the current Australian Biggest Loser will know why - the two contestants in the green team show guts, determination & above all integrity each week.

They didn't get into the trap of 'making alliances' or plotting against other teams, their focus was bettering themselves. They treated each other & the other contestants with respect.

This something everyone, including myself, can take on board. It can be hard to focus on what's best for you with-out comparing yourself to others, or to give in & make up excuses as to why you couldn't achieve what you set out to achieve.

It can be even harder to stay positive & focused if those around you are negative. Everyone will experience this at some stage, the trick is to believe in yourself  - show yourself & others you CAN do it. A little over a year & a half ago I decided to gain my qualifications for cert. 3 & 4 in fitness as this is something I was always passionate about. I had people who I thought were my friends ask me what I thought I was doing - ie 'aren't you too old to be doing this' & ' you'll be the oldest in your class' . Guess what there were times I thought exactly that. Over time as I was travelling the 3 hour round trip to class 3 times a week as well as working & taking care of the house, I became tired & my mind started playing tricks on me - I started believing those negative comments. Lucky for me I also had very supportive family & friends who believed in me - I got through & felt anything is possible & who cares about age anyway! (hence the title of my page).

So I guess what I'm saying is no matter what is important to you if you feel strongly enough about it you CAN do it with a positive mind & plenty of positive support around you.

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