Tuesday 4 June 2013

Yes I don't always feel like seeing a project through till the end
I love this picture for two reasons :
 1. Stephen King would have to be my favourite author &
 2. I can totally relate to what he's saying
I'm sure I am not the one here (well I hope not anyway!) but I will often see or start a new adventure with great enthusiasm only to get bored or realised it's going to take a little more commitment than I first thought. Even when faced with doing  some of the things I really enjoy like cooking or exercise can take some real 'pep talks' from my inner self & yes sometimes it feels as though I'm getting nowhere with my goals. Then there will that one day when I feel terrific after a great work out & realise my body is starting to take shape or when I have family or friends around for a meal & it turns out amazing! It's worth the wait :)
I don't always give other ideas the same dedication. A great example would no doubt be my fleeting desire to sew - I see fabulous (beginner) patterns & LOTS of gorgeous fabric both of which I quite often end up buying & guess what nothing happens! I have sewn a couple of projects & was very happy with the result & vowed to continue with my new found hobby only for it to come to a grinding halt. The fabric, patterns & sewing machine will always be sitting there though waiting for another rainy day when once again I'll let my creative juices flow & probably be saying 'Hey this is so rewarding, why don't I do this more often'

Monday 27 May 2013

I'm going green today! For anyone who is familiar with the current Australian Biggest Loser will know why - the two contestants in the green team show guts, determination & above all integrity each week.

They didn't get into the trap of 'making alliances' or plotting against other teams, their focus was bettering themselves. They treated each other & the other contestants with respect.

This something everyone, including myself, can take on board. It can be hard to focus on what's best for you with-out comparing yourself to others, or to give in & make up excuses as to why you couldn't achieve what you set out to achieve.

It can be even harder to stay positive & focused if those around you are negative. Everyone will experience this at some stage, the trick is to believe in yourself  - show yourself & others you CAN do it. A little over a year & a half ago I decided to gain my qualifications for cert. 3 & 4 in fitness as this is something I was always passionate about. I had people who I thought were my friends ask me what I thought I was doing - ie 'aren't you too old to be doing this' & ' you'll be the oldest in your class' . Guess what there were times I thought exactly that. Over time as I was travelling the 3 hour round trip to class 3 times a week as well as working & taking care of the house, I became tired & my mind started playing tricks on me - I started believing those negative comments. Lucky for me I also had very supportive family & friends who believed in me - I got through & felt anything is possible & who cares about age anyway! (hence the title of my page).

So I guess what I'm saying is no matter what is important to you if you feel strongly enough about it you CAN do it with a positive mind & plenty of positive support around you.

Friday 24 May 2013

So I'm on this journey of eradicating my desire for sugar & this is my bible! It's been nearly one whole week now & it feels as though sugar is everywhere I look. I didn't think I ate a lot of sugar as would quite often tell myself this 'it's ok you lead a pretty healthy lifestyle' until I sat down read Sarah's book & thought hmmmm maybe I should try this.
Now before I go any further I must point out that I'm not a advocate for any new diet that comes around, in fact I'm not a real fan of any diet that can not be incorporated as a life long commitment.
I quite often have trouble sleeping (closing my eyes is easy, switching off is another matter), feel anxious & the big reason I'm doing this is - so so often I would eat my dinner & be completely full to the brim but still able to squeeze in something sweet. There would be times when I've dined out & left some of my main meal just so I could fit in something from the dessert menu ( I'm talking perfectly good food that I was really enjoying!) So here it is - sugar will no longer have a hold on me!! I just hope it starts getting easier - everywhere I look is sugar & I want it, I want it more than I ever did before. That old saying seems to ring true here - we always want what we can't have

Thursday 23 May 2013

As I'm completely new at the whole art of blogging I may need some pointers from any fellow bloggers out there.

I used to dread the idea of getting older. You know the feeling of having to 'grow up', say goodbye to the perfect body, losing my looks & just basically settling into the life I built up to from my youth. WELL I've hit 40 & see that none of the above seems to apply, to me anyway. For example I don't know that I'll ever really grow up, although I have learnt to just chill over things I can't always change.I love exercise!! my body is what I make it & unless I give up leading a healthy lifestyle it's not going to mysteriously change overnight. Looks, well let's face it I'm not too keen on wrinkles but that's life & I didn't really care what anyone thought about my looks before so why will that change? As far as the life I've built up to from my youth that just keeps on building & I'm fairly sure I'll keep on adding to my 'timeline' until the day I die.