Tuesday 4 June 2013

Yes I don't always feel like seeing a project through till the end
I love this picture for two reasons :
 1. Stephen King would have to be my favourite author &
 2. I can totally relate to what he's saying
I'm sure I am not the one here (well I hope not anyway!) but I will often see or start a new adventure with great enthusiasm only to get bored or realised it's going to take a little more commitment than I first thought. Even when faced with doing  some of the things I really enjoy like cooking or exercise can take some real 'pep talks' from my inner self & yes sometimes it feels as though I'm getting nowhere with my goals. Then there will that one day when I feel terrific after a great work out & realise my body is starting to take shape or when I have family or friends around for a meal & it turns out amazing! It's worth the wait :)
I don't always give other ideas the same dedication. A great example would no doubt be my fleeting desire to sew - I see fabulous (beginner) patterns & LOTS of gorgeous fabric both of which I quite often end up buying & guess what nothing happens! I have sewn a couple of projects & was very happy with the result & vowed to continue with my new found hobby only for it to come to a grinding halt. The fabric, patterns & sewing machine will always be sitting there though waiting for another rainy day when once again I'll let my creative juices flow & probably be saying 'Hey this is so rewarding, why don't I do this more often'